[Note: Originally posted on my wordpress blog, 29/9/15]
I take pride in aiming to ensure high standards of teamwork during a project. From the initial client meetings and consultations, to the branding or production team, to the cast and styling crew. I consider the relationships formed are paramount in achieving the end result. First impressions are key.
Preparation is another integral factor in this. Contributing elements of production is fun, before onwardly sharing the important details so that everyone feels part of the team and know where they stand.
I have been told I’m professional and easy to deal with (the latter being something that my wife may argue!) It is hugely satisfying that by the end, I’ve not only help deliver the client exactly what was required, as this means potentially long term relationships and recurring work, but it can also mean friendships are formed with the team. Which is nice. Not only does that mean they say nice things about you, but they look forward to future collaborations.
Whilst it is imperative that a business strives to grow so that it may be sustainable and successful, by expanding ones professional network and seeking new challenges, it is also nice to have some 'constants' that you can trust and enjoy working with; Chloe Widera and her company has turned out to be one of them.
Chloe is from Paris and arrived in the UAE in 2013. Graduating from the Makeup Forever Academy, she established an impressive client list in both London and Paris before commencing work as a freelancer in Dubai, then forming her Styling Company, Apres-Vous.
We were first introduced on a fashion shoot early 2014, and ever since she has been my first call whenever I require a styling artist. Whilst her passion lies in beauty and fashion, along with any opportunity to challenge herself, we often work together on lifestyle, branding and commercial projects. Chloe never likes to turn these down as they allow her almost a mini-holiday, perhaps working on yacht, beach and enjoying delicious meals at the expense of the client (though admittedly, she can often end up acting as my photography assistant, angling a reflector or passing me a lens...)
As a result, Chloe contributes to a fun, relaxed but professional atmosphere on set. She is always honest and helpful, and her passion in delivering incredible work makes my role much easier. As cliche as that may sound, it's true. And, even if she herself is not available for a project, she will either do her best to supply an alternative team member as a substitute, or give her honest feedback on other artists that I am considering.
As for Chloe, her company is going from strength to strength, and she has ambitions for it "to become a styling brand that is universally recognised...supporting film production houses that visit the Middle East Region and around the World." She knows it will take hard work and can only be achieved by maintaining a fantastic team, one with which I hope my own brand can be a part of, for years to come.
Here are some of the behind the scenes captures of work we have done together, and you can follow her or myself on instagram to see more of our own work.
Our first collaboration, for JK-Exclusive:

Lifestyle and Branding for Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Authority and Marjan Island Management. Fun in the desert, mountains and city with Mohamed, Irina, Adam and Denise:

Teaching French to Graciela, on location at Marjan Island Resort and Spa:

Shooting with David and Evelyn for the rebranding of the Al Wadi Equestrian Centre and Banyan Tree Activity Centre, Ras Al Khaimah: